In Patty's Garden
July 1, 2010 - I had a perfect day! I got to sleep in and then relaxed and read. I went to Bolinas for a few things (going there always makes me happy). We played on the beach with the girls and then decided to go on an adventure. When we were driving down our street our friend Annie came driving up and jumped out of her car. She had a gift for me from my mom. It was a gift certificate to her wonderful book store! When we pulled onto the road the plan was to go to point reyes station, but as we drove we decided to go to Point Reyes Light House instead. It is a beautiful drive that takes you through the town of Inverness and some woods and then through a number of farms. The farms on the point all date back to the 1800's and are wonderful to see. The cows come right up to the road and the girls loved that. It is a long, slow, and relaxing drive - I loved it! When we got to the Light House both girls were asleep and it was WINDY. So windy that they closed the stairs going down to the lighthouse. John tried to go and I stayed in the car - I got out to see the view which was breathtaking! The girls woke up on the ride back and we stopped at Drakes Bay. We got back to Stinson at dinner time and tried the new restaurant in town. The food was good and it was very kid friendly - prefect for us. We headed back to the house and Patty took some pictures. Lilly asked that we take our pictures in Patty's garden and not on the beach (Lilly LOVES Patty's garden). She got some great pictures! I felt beyond blessed to get to spend my 34 th birthday in the same place I spent my 1st birthday. I do not think that words can express how much Stinson Beach and the people there mean to me. It truly is my happy place!

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