Yesterday ended up being a bit more interesting then I had anticipated. It started out calm and normal. Anna and I dropped Lilly off at school - went to the bank and to vacuum out my car - we went to music class and hung out and chatted for a while after - Anna fell asleep in the car on the way back to get Lilly and then we went into school to get Lilly. We were walking out talking to another mom and child when Lilly tripped - this happens A LOT! She was crying, but I really did not think much of it. We got into the car and headed to Pizza Nova to meet my mom for lunch. Lilly was still pouting and my mom got Anna out of the car and I got Lilly - I gave her some Tylenol that I had in my bag and started to eat. She ate some lunch but would not use her left arm to reach for anything. My mom asked her to grab a bread ball with her left arm and she started to cry. She pointed to just above her elbow and said that it hurt. My kid has a VERY high pain tolerance so I called the doctor and they had us come in. We all ate a bit more and headed to the doctor. Thankfully my favorite doctor came in and after talking to both of us decided that x-rays were needed. We headed to Children's and I called my mom who headed over to meet us. After the x-rays and some waiting we were sent down to care team 4 - we had been there before when Lilly was 15 months old and fractured her wrist. The Dr. Came in and said that it is herd to see minor fractures in the elbow, but she thought that is what it was and that she wanted to cast it for 3 weeks - off to the cast department where the same very nice guy put yet another pink cast on my daughter. The man is amazing! So that was our afternoon. We got home by 5pm and both girls fell asleep in the car. Lilly woke when I got her out of the car and Anna slept for an hour. Thankfully my mom was with the entire time so that I could give Lilly the care she needed. It is times like these that I am grateful for a lot. That my mom was there with us and that despite minor bumps along the way my kids are healthy. We walked by a baby who was being taken for tests (I think) when we were going from radiology back to care team 4 and my heart just sank. This tiny bundle was covered in wires and tubes and the parents were walking with the doctor and you could see the pain in their eyes. It made me so grateful for my beautiful healthy girls. 

Lilly's Casts - September 2006 and February 2009
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